About Karen Kaplan
“Alone we can do so little: Together we can do so much.”
My Philosophy
I practice the art of possibility thinking. One of my most inspirational role models was Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller's teacher, who never gave up. My father taught me that "Anything is possible if you are not afraid to ask." I see amazing opportunities when there is a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to finding and traveling the path. Although I am solution-oriented and outcome-based, I appreciate deeply the frustrations that families, faculty and organizations experience in developing effective programs and services.
When there is a shared understanding between partners, there is also great opportunity..
I am delighted to help those who live on the Spectrum or have a Learning Difference identify tools and strategies as well as resources to be successful in their daily lives.
Parents are valued experts
Those on the Autism Spectrum and those who learn differently can present a complex set of challenges on many levels. Each person is different, and solutions can be found when everybody works together and where the parent is valued as one of the experts.
I facilitate connections. For me there is no better reward than when a family finds the right provider, practitioner, program, method, strategy, piece of equipment, assessment tool or other activity that helps their child come closer to reaching his or her full potential.
Professionals play a key role
Whether you are directing a school or center, building a private practice, or designing an adult program, there are many key elements to consider when creating a sustainable organization.
I enjoy seeing a dream, special project, or innovative idea become a reality so that those with autism spectrum disorders or other special needs have choices to help them lead a happy and meaningful life.
I have more than 35 years of experience working in the field of special needs with children, teens, adults and their families. I have engaged with schools, residential programs, vocational and nonprofit day programs, addressing the challenges of Autism and similar learning differences. I have joined faculty at universities to help mentor and educate teachers and therapists.
I founded and director Offerings, a nonprofit organization, empowering communities locally and globally understand special needs and build and expand their programs, for 10 years.
Current position: Consultant for Karen Kaplan Consulting
My positions have included:
Completed Ten Years as Executive Director of Wings Learning Center, a school for children 5-22 years old with Autism Spectrum Disorders, located in Redwood City:
Served as a teacher in the Autism Spectrum Certificate program
Serve on the board of directors at Jessica's Haven
BS and MS in Speech Pathology from Arizona State University
Minor in Special Education and Educational Administrative Credential
Founded and directed a residential school serving children with ASD in the Sacramento Area for 20 years
Directed a private school for emotionally challenged teens for 4 years in Sacramento
Executive Director of Oak Hill School, a day school for children with ASD in Marin County for 5.5 years
Served on the board of CAPSES, the California Association for Private Special Education Schools, for over 10 years
Served on the board for Parents Can in Napa, California
Volunteer speaking, lecturing and consulting
Author of many articles for the special needs web site exceptionalneedstoday.com
Author of On The Yellow Brick Road
Author of multiple articles on Autism Parent Magazine
I have spent much of my career life designing, developing, implementing and expanding programs in both the public and private sector. I currently help support non-governmental organizations in Indonesia through my non-profit, Offerings, by educating, mentoring, training, and connecting them to resources.
I work as a consultant with individuals, schools, both private and public, adult centers, colleges and universities, and families addressing the needs of those living with ASD and other developmental challenges.